pandora's box
the hideaway top sites Honest Gamers ColonPipe.Com The Rafters Forum Tiles @ Use this button to link to me

About me: My name is Michael, I'm 22 and I've been designing for a few years now (maybe around 5) in the areas of art, web, flash and occasionally music. I'm a huge fan of games, I play them on PC, the GameCube and GameBoy Advance SP.

I'm a member of one of the largest art communities on the net, it's known as deviantART. You can check out my profile here:
You should also check out Why? Because I said so... and he's got some good photos.

A short, visual and incomplete history goes like this: pre-fraxyl 1 2 3 4 fraxyl 1 fraxyl 2 fraxyl 4 fraxyl 5 fraxyl 6

Here's an obligatory mug shot of myself.