These Are A Few Of My Favourite Things

As the title suggests, a selection of things that I enjoy and recommend you check out. I'm not guaranteeing YOU will enjoy them, mind.

Iain Banks - My favourite authour. Writer of all things SF but mainly about his own Universe and society, originally named "The Culture". Quite a cerebral read, but action-packed and well characterised. I recommend you start from the beginning with Consider Phlebas.

William Gibson - SF again. Been around sometime now, considered by some to be the originator of the cyberpunk genre. The books all set in a feasible future not THAT far from hours. Again plenty of action and strong characters. Start with Neuromancer, a little dated but still very good and you might recognise a certain name ;)

Robert Rankin - Fantasy! At last, some of you cry. In my opinion, far better than that Pratchett chap. Rankin, a master of the surreal, still manages to produce a coherant story at the end of it, though God only knows how. Very funny, easy to read, and plenty of recurring characters and locations to watch for. Start anywhere you please, the timeline appears to jump all over the place and they're not really connected other than by the area in which they are set, the REAL location of Brentford, England.

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